Monday, April 10, 2006


...............I'd been lazing around for a while a couple of days back.... was watching something really stupid on the idiot box which put me off to sleep.... rather would called it a slumber.... now i reckon that idiot box show was probably the best lullaby i'd ever lent my ears in a while.... wow man!! i slept like a log really..... to catch up with some good sleep seldom makes me lucky n happy.... hmmm i think i was scripting what happened a couple of days back... .. i dozed off into a deep slumber.... i guess i dreamt... what a vague dream it was !!! my god got up sweating..... previously i was watching a movie called "BANGRADA JINKE" . I dreamt about an excavation that i was cermoniusly performing in search of some ancient treasure..... shift of scenario to more of sepia colour mode.... i was an onlooking spectator of a conspiracy of a bomb being planted on a raliway track in the late 1930's to derail the oncoming train in which the viceroy of the them british occupied INDIA Lord Irvin was travelling.... an amazing conspiracy that gave goosbumps to millions of indians..... alas!!!! the conspiracy fails ....the revolutionaries are being chased by the police .... they assume that i am one of them too... i ran as fast as i could..... i was sweating .... just a gunshot heard and a bullet whizzes past my ears... i wake up sweating profusely.... courtesy of the second part of my mindboggling and a truely adventerous dream.... "AJEYA" a biography of one of the ultimate revolutionaries and a great son to mother india...... "CHANDRASHEKHARA AZAAD".

I did my usal chores after i got up and started with the usual contemplation that i do very often.... why people dream??? what is the logic behind the dreams... ... I guess most of the people know that it is the active work behaviour of the subconscious mind while the conscious mind is put to rest..... but why humans tend to remember the horrendous dreams that they have dreamt... why not the happy and gay(no pun intended) dreams.... why not?? then suddenly flashed something i had long read and forgotten theory proposed by "SIGMUND FREUD" the father of psychology... " THE DREAM INTERPRETATION"......

Here what it is...... i was happy once again... i found an affable result for my contemplation...
there would be to concepts that come into picture when a human is dreaming...... one can actually observe this in person.... the rapid eye movement (rem) & the non rapid eye movement(nrem)..... what happens and why we tend to remember a bad dream or a unpleasant dream and why not the affable amiable pleasant dreams.... i've heard ppl say that they do not dream at all... which i guess is very false as per the theory proposed by the mama freud(local slanguage).... the unpleasant dreams are remembered since it occurs in the rem period of the sleep ..... when the unpleasant happenings and the unpleasant activation of the subconscious mind grows stronger and stronger.... which is directly related to the dream ... .. so the man although in sleep or deep slumber is not calm n poise... usually humans tend to wake up with a fright or an unpleasant feeling after a bad dream... the reason is during the rem period both the subconscious and the conscious minds are both active and work in tandem... reciprocation of data as to put it in the comp related language happens.. and this is registered in the memory if the conscious mind....

a sweet dream is most of the times forgotten since it occurs durind the nrem period where the conscious mind is at rest and there is no reciprocation or the registering of the data from the subconscious mind.... lack of transformation of data...or loss pf packets in the neural network.... nrem is a period where the state of mind is absolutely like an and very beautiful to look at... and the feel is at peace.... it's a wonderful feeling one would wish to experience while working with the conscious mind....

oh!!!!!! not again.... why do i need to write this on my blog???? is it something that everyone can relate to??? ofcourse we all r humans atleast who care read my blog... yet another random thought of a chaotic conscious mind i would say..... turmoil everywhere are the words of the day...... oh!!!! not again.... i guess sometimes my alter ego takes over me.... no no suri i better stop before crapping some dirty crap about MPD... go away now....... but this time it makes me happy and i feel good that i've stuck to one language... and makes me proud of my profess about one language (although not even a percent).... stop stop stop!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrr

1 comment:

bhadra said...

nanna dRuShTiyalli kanasu -

namma meduLu namma hRudayadaMte yAvAgalU kelasa mADuttalE iruttade. hAgE manassinalli yAvAgalU EnAdaroMdu yOcanegaLu iddE iruttave. Adare ella yOcanegaLannU bahiraMgagoLisalAguvudilla. hAge oLagE adumiTTa yOcanegaLu suShupti sthitiyalli iruttade. seraginalli kaTTikoMDa beMkiyaMte adu yAvAgadaromme horage baralE bEku. sArvajanikavAgi adannu pradarSisalAgadE iddare adu nAvu niddemADuttiruvAga kanasina rItyA hora baruvudu.